Dr. Sharful Islam Khan

Theme- 'Masculine sexuality: Reconstruction warranted!'

Dr. Sharful Islam Khan obtained his MBBS in 1992 from Dhaka Medical College, Masters in Health Social Science from Mahidol University, Thailand, and his PhD in Sociology/Anthropology from Western Australia in 2004. Since 1997, he has been working in icddrb and now works as a Scientist and Head of Program for HIV and AIDS. His research entails addressing HIV vulnerabilities among marginalized populations including Males having sex with males, transgender women, female sex workers and people who inject drugs, alongside general populations. His primary expertise lies in qualitative research. He is a member of the Social Research Advisory Group of the Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM), and serves as Secretary General of the Asia-Pacific Network of the International Forum for Social Science in Health. He provided his technical expertise and guidance at various forums such as Gender and Rights Advisory Panel of the Department of Reproductive Health and Research at WHO, and expert committee on Sexual Health Indicators, Sexuality Counseling Guideline, WHO, Geneva. He also teaches in various local and overseas universities as Visiting Professor such as Mahidol University, Thailand, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan, Malmo University, Sweden, and Curtin University, Australia and Baldwin Wallace University, Ohio, USA. His areas of expertise include gender, masculinity, sexuality, sexual health and HIV and AIDS. He published numerous scientific articles and book chapters which elicited profound insights about sexuality and masculinity, and gender dynamics.
