From Mayo College to “Teach for India”
Nivritti Samtaney

Nivritti Samtaney © Nivritti Samtaney

Goethe-Dialogues #5

In the fifth episode of our podcast, we talk to Nivritti Samtaney about her journey in education. 


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Show Notes

Thinking of working in an NGO? Then this episode “Goethe-Dialogues” is for you. Our guest today Nivritti Samtaney is an alumna of Mayo College for Girls, Ajmer. After studying in England for five years she chose to work in the underprivileged and under resourced state and private education sector. She talks about her journey and what motivated her to give her time to work for kids from the poorer strata of society.She also has a piece of advice for youngsters looking to work in NGOs. Listen in!

Nivritti SamtaneyAs the India Fellows Program Lead, Nivritti manages the operational and strategic aspects of the India Fellows Program, and works closely with the India Fellows Manager. Nivritti holds a Bachelors' degree in Psychology from the University of Exeter, UK and a Masters in Counselling in Education from the University of Bristol, UK.

Acumen Academy: Acumen was founded by Jacqueline Novogratz in 2001 to use power of entrepreneurship to build a world where everyone had the opportunity to live with dignity. Their goal was to invest “Patient Capital” to bridge the gap between the efficiency and scale of market-based approaches and the social impact of pure philanthropy.

Mayo College: Mayo College Girls' School is an all-girl boarding school in Ajmer, Rajasthan, India, founded in 1987.

Teach for India: The Teach For India Fellowship is an opportunity for India’s brightest and most promising youth, from the nation’s best universities and workplaces, to serve as full-time teachers to children from low-income communities in under-resourced schools.

Pratham ASER report: Established in 2008, ASER Centre is Pratham’s autonomous research and assessment unit. ASER Centre promotes a culture of evidence-based decision making and seeks to develop and use simple yet rigorous methods to generate evidence on scale on the outcomes of social sector programs, especially education.

Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan , or SSA, is an Indian Government programme aimed at the universalisation of Elementary education "in a time bound manner", the 86th Amendment to the Constitution of India making free and compulsory education to children between the ages of 6 to 14 (estimated to be 206 million children in 2001) a fundamental right (Article- 21A). 

We hope you enjoy this episode of our new podcast series. Listen to our other episodes as well.
