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Max Mueller Bhavan | India


10:00 AM-6:00 PM

by Nicolaus Schmidt

Photo Exhibition

Banner Nicolaus Schmidt

We are proud to present, in collaboration with the Museum of Art and Photography (MAP), a Photo Exhibition: INDIA TECTON by German photographer Nicolaus SchmidtINDIA TECTON is an innovative, visually powerful approach to architecture and art in India.

Exhibition opens: May 13, 2023, 6.30 p.m.
Dehli Janta Mantar © © Nicolaus Schmidt Dehli Janta Mantar Nicolaus Schmidt © Nicolaus Schmidt

India is a country with an ancient and extremely multi-layered culture. The diversity of cultures and religions is manifested in a topography of architecture and sculptures that is difficult to survey. Nicolaus Schmidt presents this diversity in highly focused photographs. His book INDIA TECTON that accompanies the Exhibition reveals references and kinships between artifacts from various religions and epochs. The photographs also reflect colonial domination and international cultural relationships, as well as social contrasts. What emerge are standalone artworks that simultaneously highlight the architectural characteristics of buildings and artifacts from antiquity to the modern era.

Inauguration: Saturday May 13, 2023, 6.30 p.m. at the Bhavan
With a walk through by the artist
On display: May 14 to 27, 2023, 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

All are welcome!

Portrait © © Nicolaus Schmidt Nicolaus Schmidt © Nicolaus Schmidt
Nicolaus Schmidt
studied art and history at the Academy of Fine Arts and the University of Hamburg. He was the founder of rosa, one of the first German magazines of the gay rights movement, and later Chairman of terre des hommes Germany. His work has been exhibited internationally. The book INDIA TECTON, is his eighth and the second on India. He lives in Berlin.

Nicolaus Schmidt will also conduct an exclusive 5-day Workshop titled Photography: Ideas and Design Tools at MAP.