Entrance Exam for Studienkolleg Kaiserslautern

Aufnahmeprüfung © Colourbox

The Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, as a partner to the University of Applied Sciences, Kaiserslautern is organizing the entrance exam for the Studienkolleg twice a year. 

Dates 2024 

The next entrance examinations will take place in 2024 as follows:
  • for the summer semester 2024 as usual on 18.01.2024 (closing date for applications 01.12.2023)
  • for the winter semester 2024/25 on 25.04.2024 (closing date for applications 01.02.2024)
  • for the summer semester 2025 on 24 October 2024 (closing date for applications 15 September 2024)