Panel Discussion Befantastic together: Dialog #4

befantastic Dialog #4 © BeFantastic

Thu, 23.09.2021

4:30 PM IST


Welcome to the fourth dialogue in the BeFantastic Dialog Series Creating TechArt. This series unpacks the practices of a carefully curated set of mentors who are part of BeFantastic Together, an online Techart fellowship. 

The fourth dialogue deals with the topic Climate change. How do we understand the times we live in? What are the defining characteristics of our day? Through the last half-century, climate change and its adverse effects have transitioned from being a possible concern to becoming an explicit symptom of a surmounting planetary disaster.

'Code Red for Humanity' read the headlines about the report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Those who want to maintain the status quo, call this the work of alarmists. Science is proving the alarmists are indeed right. 

Join us as we invite a set of diverse global climate activists to discuss and exchange ideas around how we can shift this narrative using innovative Tech+Art as a compelling medium.


Michelle Thorne: Mozilla Foundation, USA & Germany 
Andrew Mcwilliams: Thoughtworks arts, USA
Avijit Michael:, India
David Colombini and Marc Dubois:, Switzerland
Rae Abileah: Create Well, USA

Registration is mandatory. To register, click here.
