Workshop-Series Newslandschaft

Newslandschaft © Goethe-Institut Kolkata/Design:Reva Jaireth

Sat, 16.09.2023 -
Sun, 03.12.2023


In the frame of the project "DigiVerse. How to Read Media"

Organised by Goethe-Institut Kolkata and Pune in Association with Deutsche Welle Akademie

"Newslandschaft" is a specialized component of the "DigiVerse. How to Read Media" project, which aims to strengthen media literacy and critical thinking across sectors and institutions. Developed by Goethe-Institut Kolkata und Pune in association with Deutsche Welle Akademie, "Newslandschaft" focuses specifically on enhancing media and information literacy among youth in South Asia.

Target Audience and Content

The program targets students between 14 to 17 years old from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. It offers a series of online media and information literacy workshops conducted by DW Akademie. Topics covered include basic newswriting, disinformation identification, online privacy, video blogging, and podcasting. The program incorporates both German and regional media analysis and involves participants in collaborative media production. The resulting media content will be featured on the project website.

Dates of Workshops

16.09., 07.10., 14.10., 28.10., 25.11., 02.12., 03.12.


Kyle James, with two decades of experience in journalism and media development, will oversee the educational components. His portfolio includes media and information literacy initiatives in Asia and Africa.


The project aims to equip its participants with skills necessary for responsible media navigation, contributing to the overarching goals of the "DigiVerse. How to Read Media" initiative.


For inquiries or additional information, contact:

The "Newslandschaft" project aligns with the objectives of the "DigiVerse. How to Read Media" project to advance media literacy among young audiences.

