
Maitrayee Patar

Goethe-Insititut Mumbai | Foto: Elyon Blah
Maitrayee Patar - Foto: Goethe-Institut / Elyon Blah
Photo: Goethe-Institut / Elyon Blah
Maitrayee Patar is a writer, singer and sociologist from Assam, India. She writes both in Assamese and English. A postgraduate in Sociology from the Delhi School of Economics, an M.Phil in Women’s Studies from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, Maitrayee is currently a PhD research SCHOLAR (SRF) in the department of sociology, Tezpur University. Poetry, she says, is her meditation. It has a deep sense of nostalgia, but also comes across as a critique of our times. Nature and woman are two prominent elements in her poetry. Maitrayee’s poems have been translated into other Indian and foreign languages like Italian, Nepali, Hindi, Tiwa and Malayalam. The first anthology of her poems, Mur Kolmou Dinor Xunali Baat was published in 2015 by Banphool Prakashan. She is currently working on her second book of poetry. Maitrayee is also a professionally trained Indian vocalist with a few critically acclaimed songs to her name. She is a co-founder of Baartalaap, a musical record company from Mumbai.


ৰজ:স্বলা /

চেগুন ফুলৰ কবিতা /
Poems of Timber Blossom

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