Guan Eden

The Guan Eden project was initiated in 2020 to counteract the increasing environmental problems in Iraq. Plastic pollution, desertification, water pollution, deforestation, drying up of wetlands, air pollution, droughts - the challenges are numerous! Yet environmental protection usually takes a back seat to other political challenges. However, an ever larger part of the population is increasingly suffering from the burdens of massive environmental pollution.
Guan Eden serves as a platform for creative exchange between artists, environmental initiatives and representatives of educational institutions in Iraq. Through the promotion of jointly implemented environmental protection campaigns as well as the continuous and active networking and training of those involved, they are to be encouraged and supported in bringing environmental issues closer to children and young people.
Guan Eden is particularly sustainable because of the many different project elements that intertwine and thus initiate discussions on environmental issues at different points in Iraqi society - from teachers, activists, artists and children to the media and political representatives!

  • Guan Eden © Goethe Institut - Irak

  • Guan Eden © Goethe-Institut Irak

  •  Guan Eden © Goethe-Institut Irak

  •  Guan Eden Guan Eden

  •  Guan Eden © Goethe-Institut Irak

  •  Guan Eden © Goethe-Institut Irak

  •    Guan Eden © Goethe-Institut Irak


An important element of Guan Eden are the workshops. Here activists, artists and educators come together. In the workshops, they can expect input on the intersection of art and activism, on working with children and young people, and on high-profile campaign management. In this way, they will be supported in developing their ideas for communicating environmental issues and raising awareness of sustainability to children and young people.


The campaigns are developed from ideas of teachers, activists and artists from the workshops. They are mentored in the conception of child-friendly educational methods for environmental protection and then financially supported in their implementation.
Here is an insight into the 2022 campaigns from different cities in Iraq:
Guan Eden Campaigns 2022

Goethe-Institut Irak
Goethe-Institut Irak


Another element of the Guan Eden project is art exhibitions on environmental protection and sustainability. In different cities of Iraq, artists involved in the campaigns exhibit their works and thus initiate pressing discussions about society, the environment and art.

  •  © Goethe-Institut Irak

  •  © Goethe-Institut Irak

  •  © Goethe-Institut Irak

  •  © Goethe-Institut Irak

  •  © Goethe-Institut Irak

Environmental Carnival

The Environmental Carnival is the result of the artworks and campaigns created during the year. In Baghdad and Mosul, street campaigns and art exhibitions are used to raise awareness of environmental issues in Iraq among the wider population and political representatives.


Mina Basergan © Privat

Mina Basergan

Guan Eden

Mutaz Abdulrahman © Privat

Mutaz Abdulrahman

Guan Eden
