Current discourses
#discourse #society

Zeitgeist Perspektiven © Goethe-Institut Tokyo | KI-generiertes Bild

Media Literacy in Europe and East Asia

Facts and Contexts Matter

The project focuses on innovative practices in media literacy education. The central question is how high-tech democracies such as Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan are dealing with misinformation, hate speech, and the spread of conspiracy ideologies online.

Facts And Contexts Matter © Goethe-Institut © Goethe-Institut

Freedom of art

Exile and art

Artistic freedom is not a given everywhere. We support artists who are unable to work freely because of the political situation in their home countries. Our aim is to give them the space to develop their creativity - without censorship or repression.

Kunst im Exil (KI-generiert) © Goethe-Institut Tokyo © Goethe-Institut Tokyo

Reactions to Covid-19

Culture in the pandemic

The global outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 not only brought about lasting social changes, but also marked the beginning of a particularly challenging period for the arts and cultural industries. How did artists in Germany and Japan react at the beginning of the pandemic - and what can we learn from it today?

Kultur in der Pandemie (KI-generiert) © Goethe-Institut Tokyo © Goethe-Institut Tokyo

Reflections on ditigal identities and transnational experiences

metttazzzine & metttafestival

Who are we on social media? Based on the theory that we create identities by telling them, Goethe Institutes in East Asia explored this question until the end of 2022. The Instagram magazine metttazzzine interviewed digital natives, while the metttafestival brought together academic and artistic positions on the subject.

The key visual of "metttazzzine" shows six young people. They seem to have diverse backgrounds and appear relaxed. Two of them are in the foreground and are using their smartphones. Between the two people is written: "Who are we on social media?" © Goethe-Institut Tokyo © Goethe-Institut Tokyo

Current issues


What are the main issues that concern women and feminists today? What drives them? And what remains to be done? We present artists who are involved in current feminist debates.

Feminismus Foto: irina_levitskaya © Foto: irina_levitskaya ©



Social awareness of sustainability is growing in the industrialised nations of Japan and Germany. The theme magazine of the Goethe-Institut Tokyo asks: What changes are taking place in both countries? What understanding of sustainability is emerging? And how can we exchange ideas and learn from each other, even though solutions often have to be found for local or regional conditions?

Titelbild Magazin Nachhaltigkeit