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Colomboscope is a contemporary arts festival and creative platform for interdisciplinary dialogue that has grown steadily within the cultural landscape of Colombo since 2013.

Colomboscope 2019© Colomboscope
Colomboscope 2024 Save the Date © Colomboscope

Way of the Forest
Colomboscope 2024

The eighth edition of Colomboscope was held from 19 to 28 January 2024, bringing together interdisciplinary artistic approaches from around the island, South Asia and beyond in characteristic venues of Colombo.

Forest School Workshop © Goethe-Institut

EUNIC Cluster Fund
Forest School - Residential workshop for emerging cultural practitioners

Colomboscope together with the Geoffrey Bawa Trust and Kälam supported by EU National Institutes for Culture launch a two part residential workshop initiative. Scheduled to take place in June and September 2023. 

Language Is Migrant ©Colomboscope

Latest Edition
Language Is Migrant

The seventh edition of interdisciplinary arts festival Colomboscope titled Language is Migrant took place from 21 - 30 January 2022. Spread across five venues, including new exhibition spaces that speak to the conceptual framework of this edition of the festival, Language is Migrant unfolded in chapters from the Colombo Public Library, to the Rio Cinema Complex, the WA Silva Museum, Barefoot Gallery the Lakhmahal Community Library and Lak Café located in the Viharamahadevi Park.

The Many Headed Hydra, Hydra flags, When the Sea Looks Back, A Serpent's Tale, 2017. Installation view at Colomboscope 2019: Sea Change. Photo Credit: Ruvin de Silva. Photograph: Ruvin de Silva ©Colomboscope

About Colomboscope

The festival has worked with a range of intergenerational artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers, social theorists and scientific researchers from Sri Lanka and internationally delivering a focused programme with each festival edition held at key historic sites in Colombo. Several of the cultural practitioners participating in Colomboscope have gone on to show their work within regional and international exhibitions.

Colomboscope Residenzen für Künstler*innen ©Colomboscope

Tandem Residencies

This initiative focuses on artistic research, site-responsive production and durational approaches within contemporary cultural practice through month-long residencies for artistic producers hosted in two different coastal and rural regions of Sri Lanka. 

We Are From Here, video still of the digital series #untiltomorrow (episode 2), 2020, commissioned by Colomboscope We Are From Here

Online Series

As a reaction to the pandemic, Colomboscope turned to several visual artists, musicians and filmmakers who have been associated with the festival’s network with the wish to sustain primary acts of reading, listening and viewing.

A Thousand Channels ©Colomboscope

Online Radio
A Thousand Channels

Taking its title from Édouard Glissant’s Poetics of Relation (“one way ashore, a thousand channels”), this four-part online radio programme features conversation, poetry, music, specially commissioned sound works and guest radio projects in the lead-up to Colomboscope 2021, and will also form part of the festival’s listening space in Colombo.
