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Contemporary Dance in Sri Lanka © Goethe-Institut

Contemporary Dance in Sri Lanka

The Goethe-Institut offers the possibility to exchange ideas with different formats to professional dancers as well as students who would like to think outside the box of their traditional dance spectrum.


Der lebendige Tanz Workshop © Milan Kampfer

Open Call
The Essence of Dance II

We are looking for participants! Dancer and choreographer Rainer Behr from the Pina Bausch Foundation is hosting an evening workshop (6.30 - 9.30 PM) at the Goethe-Institut on the 24th of June 2024. He will give an introduction into contemporary dance techniques and new ways of exploring personal dance practice. Dancers of all ages with previous experiences are welcome to apply. The participation is free of charge.

Voice in Motion Call for Applications © Goethe-Institut

11 – 16 June 2023
Voices in Motion

A four-day residential dance retreat on the South Coast of Sri Lanka for dancers and choreographers.Tell your own stories through the medium of dance and be intensively guided by Paul Upali Gouëllo, Raphael Moussa Hillebrand and Farah Deen.


Choreography Camps

In 2017, the first choreography camp was held, in which dancers and actors learned various methods for the conception of choreographies with the help of international mentors. The Goethe-Institut supports the network of independent performance artists in Sri Lanka and aims to intensify the local and international view of this network.

Choreography Camp 2021 © Goethe-Institut

Choreography Camp 2021
Interdisciplinary approach to dance and performance

The participants looked at the different processes, contexts and the various mediums that dance and performance makers could turn to.

Dance © Goethe-Institut

Choreography Camp 2018
Relationship to Space and Sound

The Choreography Camp 2018 took place in Kalpitiya from November 25 to December 1, mentored by
Sara Mikolai, Deepak Shivaswamy, Venuri Perera, Sudesh Mantillake and Isuru Kumarasinghe. 

Choreography Camp Kalpitiya © Goethe-Institut

Choreography Camp 2017
Tools for Improvisation

Fifteen dance and theatre university students, choreographers, dance teachers and theatre makers gained new knowledge and practical experience about various developments in choreography. 


Colombo Dance Platform

In 2010, the Colombo Dance Platform was established by the Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka and the Forum for Contemporary Dance to promote contemporary dance in Sri Lanka. The biennial platform creates space for artistic development, a forum for discussion between artists with diverse backgrounds and an interested audience. One aim of the event is to present and reflect on the past, present and future of dance and choreography. The platforms were curated by international and Sri Lankan dance professionals. From the acquaintance of the Sri Lankan and German dancers Venuri Perera and Lea Moro on a past dance platform, the idea for a German-Sri Lankan co-production has developed, which took place in 2018.
