Living and Working in Germany
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A1 Monday: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
A2 Wednesday: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
A2 Saturday: 12:40 PM - 02:00 PM
A2 Sunday: 10:30 PM - 12:30 PM
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM (following the appointment arrangement via email/phone)
Friday: Online via Zoom (following the appointment arrangement via email/phone)
Pinsari Jayasundara
Vorintegration und Übergangsmanagement-Projekt-Koordinatorin
Useful Links
Make it in Germany
It provides international professionals with all information about living and working in Germany.
Is an advisory service of the German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHKs) and provides free and reliable guidance on everything you need to know when looking for employment in Germany.
Find information on the recognition of foreign educational qualifications, how your degree is assessed and whether your university is recognized.
Visas and entry
On the website of the German Embassy in New Delhi, you will find information about different visa options, requirements and procedures for applications.
Promotes academic exchange between Germany and India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka and provides information on higher education in Germany.
Recognition of professional qualifications
Would you like to work in your profession in Germany? Get your qualification recognised! Here you can find out what you need to do and who can help you.