Learning Materials

Viel Spaß - German for school students in Sri Lanka

The book includes all four skills: speaking, reading, writing and listening. The modules and exercises are structured in such a way that a school student can easily understand the context, the Grammar and listening texts. Viel Spaß pays special attention to pronunciation and intonation with respect to typical mistakes and difficulties that occur when learning German with a Sri Lankan language background. All instructions, explanations and tipps are provided in English language. Further, Viel Spaß incorporates a glossary explained in Sinhala, English and Tamil
Viel Spaß - Deutsch für Jugendliche in Sri Lanka © Goethe-Institut

Viel Spaß - German for school students in Sri Lanka

New German textbook introduced by the Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka with the support of the Ministry of Education Sri Lanka, for German learners from grade 6 - 11 in schools.

A-Level Examination Support

Here comes an opportunity for everyone who has chosen German as one of their A-Level subjects. Together with the Ministry of Education we have produced short videos to support your studies and exam preparation.  
Grammar 1 © Goethe-Institut

A-Level Examination Support

Are you preparing for your A-Levels and looking for tuition in German? We have got you covered with our educational videos in Sinhala medium. 
