German exams
Exam Dates & Fees 2025
Please Note: Exam Registration
- All candidates should come in person for registrations
- All payments should be made in cash
- Please fill out the applicable form below and bring it with you to the registration
Special Notice for B1 & B2 (external):
Due to the high demand for B1 and B2 (Writing and Speaking) exams, we have enhanced our registration process to ensure efficient and fair access while upholding Goethe-Institut standards. To register, it is mandatory to complete the appropriate form on the online confirmation for exam registration page prior to the exam registration period (respective deadlines are given on above page).
Please Note: Internal Students
Internal students who have not been on a course with us for more than six months or where the last examination is more than six months will be considered as external candidates.
Exam Results / Certificate Collection
Please be advised that the examination results will be released online as follows:
A1/A2/B1/B2: within 4-6 weeks from the exam date
Please note: From May 2024 onwards exam candidates will receive their exam certificates in digital format ONLY on accessible with their personal logins.
Certificates can be collected three days after the results have been released (only applies to exam candidates who sat for their exam before May 2024, except A1 exam on 10.04.2024 and A2 exam on 08.04.2024)
Certificate Collection Schedule at the Seminar Room:
Mondays and Tuesdays: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Wednesdays: 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Please ensure you bring the following required documents:
- Exam receipt
- National Identity Card (NIC) or passport
If a third person will be coming to collect the candidate's certificate, please notify the language course office in writing at Kindly include the full name and NIC of the individual who will be collecting the certificate, and ensure that the bearer can provide proper identification when picking up the certificate.