Mentorship Programm für Filmemacher Film Talents - Stimmen aus Sri Lanka und Pakistan
Mit Hilfe von Till Passow bieten wir Ihnen die Chance zur Selbstentwicklung und Kreation Ihrer eigenen Geschichte durch die Kunst des Films. Dieses Projekt wird vom Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka und Pakistan finanziert und soll junge aufstrebende Filmemacher aus Sri Lanka und Pakistan ermutigen, eine Karriere als Filmemacher zu verfolgen.
Die Bewerbungsfrist für das Mentorship-Programms ist nun abgelaufen. Wir werden uns in Kürze bei den Bewerber*innen zum weiteren Vorgehen melden.
We are looking for participants in our upcoming program “Film Talents 2023”, which offers young emerging filmmakers from Sri Lanka and Pakistan the opportunity to take part in a mentorship program for filmmakers through a series of workshops, that are to take place throughout 2023 and 2024 in Sri Lanka.
This is an open call for Si Lankan and Pakistani filmmakers who are obtaining or have completed a degree in the field of film, multimedia or art or who have experience in the production of at least one short film. Selected grantees are not restricted in theme or format (feature or documentary film). However, priority will be given to themes of untold stories, that make unheard voices from Sri Lanka and/or Pakistan heard, for national and international audiences.
The chosen participants will be provided financial support for accommodation and travel to Colombo, if necessary. The program will also offer seed funding for short film projects by the selected filmmakers. These projects will be further developed with each filmmaker, under mentorship provided at the workshops. A jury composed of regional and international professionals will choose the successful applicants based on their quality, innovation, the relevance of their proposal for the social context of their countries and the expected impact their proposed project could have. At the end of the program the successful participants will be supported in making an application to Berlinale Talents, IDFA and/or similar festivals.
One of the workshops will be online, while the other two will take place in Colombo in between July 2023 and January 2024. Each workshop will be 5 to 9 days long.
Deadline to send in application: 04.06.2023 (11:59 PM) IST
Dates for the first workshop phase: 24.07.2023 – 02.08.2023
The second workshop phase will be conducted online in September 2023, the third workshop will take place between 29th of January and 7th of February 2024.
All applicants will be contacted until end of June 2023 by E-Mail with an answer on their application.
Film Talents – Voices from Sri Lanka and Pakistan is conceived and implemented by the Goethe-Institut Sri Lanka in Colombo. The sessions will be conducted by Till Passow (Berlin) and several mentors, partners and trainers from Sri Lanka and Pakistan. They will train the filmmakers on capacities in developing a film project, screenwriting, implementation of the idea, producing a trailer and pitching and presenting their project. The program focuses on enhancing the career opportunities for young filmmakers both locally and internationally.
The program intends to support the professional development and creative production skills of young film makers in these countries. We are convinced that the young generation of film makers from the region can foster understanding for their local communities both locally and internationally. This project is designed to help young film makers tackle the challenges they face and to bridge the gap between formal education in film and media in Sri Lanka and Pakistan and actual production in the field. Through mentoring, this program will help young filmmakers get the insights needed to break through to international festivals as well as develop their own storytelling methods to engage with audiences. In today’s world, documentary research and film both offer tools and platforms to connect people through stories. Among the demographically young populations of in South Asian countries, there is great potential for talent in creative production to address the social issues they see locally. SAS countries are home to very diverse communities. There is a pressing need for young people in this region to become aware of the positive possibilities of a diversity of narratives as well as the potential for a wider (international) impact.
Mit Hilfe verschiedener Mentor*innen, Partner*innen und Trainer*innen aus verschiedenen Ländern werden die Filmemacher*innen in den unterschiedlichen Aspekten des Filme Machens geschult. Hierzu gehört zum Beispiel die Entwicklung eines Filmprojekts, das Drehbuchschreiben, die Umsetzung der Idee, die Produktion eines Trailers sowie das Pitching und die Präsentation ihres Projekts. Das Programm zielt darauf ab, die Karrierechancen für junge Filmemacher*innen sowohl auf lokaler als auch auf internationaler Ebene zu verbessern.
Mit der Unterstützung unserer Mentor*innen wird dieses Programm jungen Filmemacher*innen helfen ihre eigenen Erzählmethoden zu entwickeln und den Durchbruch auf internationalen Festivals zu schaffen. In unserer heutigen Welt ist die Kunst des Films ein Instrument um Menschen durch Geschichten zu verbinden. Die demografisch junge Bevölkerung in den südasiatischen Ländern verfügt über ein großes Potenzial an Talenten für kreative Produktionen, die sich mit den sozialen Problemen vor Ort auseinandersetzen.