Anchalee Topeongpong

Anchalee Topeongpong Photo: Anchalee Topeongpong

Anchalee Topeongpong initially earned her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in German from Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. She later continued her studies of language and literature at the University of Bamberg (Otto Friedrich University), earning her doctorate in 2005. During her time in Germany, she taught Thai language and culture as an honorary instructor at the adult education center.

Since returning to Bangkok in 2005, she has worked as a lecturer of German as a Foreign Language at Ramkhamhaeng University. She has overseen and taught in the Master’s program for German-Thai Translation since 2014. She is also interested in the topics of e-learning and blended learning. In this context, the “E-Book for the Reading Course: Life in Germany Today” was published for the university’s E-Learning Center.

Anchalee Topeongpong has received numerous scholarships, including one to attend “Kein Kinderspiel! Werkstatt für Übersetzer deutschsprachiger Literatur für junge Leser” (“Not child’s play! Workshop for translators of German-language literature for young readers”) in Hamburg in 2015. She received the Phraya Anuman Rajchadhon Medal in 2015 for her most recent literary translation of Atemschaukel (The Hunger Angel). Each year this award recognizes outstanding achievements in literary translation.   

Anchalee Topeongpong about Social Translating

The project offers many different possibilities using the Lectory platform as a new digital tool. It gives me background information and thus takes a load off my shoulders so that I can focus entirely on translating.

Selected translations

Herta Müller: Atemschaukel. Nanmee Books, 2015

Arno Geiger: Abschied von Berlin. In: Deutschsprachige Kurzgeschichten: Eine Anthologie. Circle Publishing, 2008

Ralf Isau: Jonathan Jabbok III. Praew, 2008

Ralf Isau: Jonathan Jabbok II. Praew, 2007

Ralf Isau: Jonathan Jabbok I. Praew, 2003
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