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Information and Application for Students

Young people from each of Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, Singapore, Myanmar, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam. Malaysia and Germany can take part in dareCon!. The convention is 100% digital. Participants can tune in from their home.
Do you want to be part of the Thai team? Then you´ll find all information about the application and the selection process here.

dareCon© Goethe-Institut Melbourne

Application criteria for students

  • Are you between 15 and 17 years old on 23 April 2021?
  • Do you learn German in Thailand?
  • Do you care about democracy, human rights and environmental protection and do you have ideas on how to improve the world?
  • Are you interested in storytelling on Instagram, TikTok & YouTube? Are you passionate about new technologies?
  • Would like to meet other young people from Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam and Germany at dareCon! to represent Thailand and share your digital, technical or creative expertise in a short talk, workshop, etc.?
  • Can you join dareCon! from Friday, 23 April to Sunday, 25 April 2021 and actively participate in all digital workshops and events with your computer or laptop? All the workshops and programs take place in the afternoons and evenings. You can find the times here. 
Wonderful! Then you are a perfect fit for the Thai dareCon! team.

You can find the application form here: 
Application Form for students

Application and selection process

You can apply until 15 March 2021. At the end of March we will let you know if your application was successful. 


Download here the dareCon! flyer: 
dareCon! Flyer
