in der Stadt
In knapp 100 Ländern weltweit ist das Goethe-Institut aktiv, und überall stehen die internationale Begegnung und Verständigung im Mittelpunkt: Künstler*innen werden zu Gastspielen eingeladen, Sprachlernende in Austauschprogrammen zusammengebracht und Mitarbeiter*innen an andere Standorte entsendet. Geschichten aus einer Kulturinstitution, in der „in Bewegung bleiben“ das Grundprinzip ist.

© Goethe-Institut Korea
A regional project of the Goethe-Institut East Asia with walks by:ABOUT THE PROJECT
„Spaziergänge in der Stadt / Urban Walks“ presents seven art projects that transform walking into an experience that goes beyond the mere physical place itself. Combined with various digital media, additional layers connect to the present, reveal hidden histories and future potentials, or encourage new forms of engagement.Walking as a leisure activity has the potential to tune the mind to the perception of sensory impressions and details. While moving the body in a simple way, one finds the peace to think and reflect. During the pandemic, walking became a valued activity again and a new interest in familiar places and locality developed. The Urban Walks projects build on the artistic practice of walking and use digital means to integrate a narrative, an additional aesthetic experience, or a gamification element.
The project kicked off in April 2023 with a workshop in Seoul, with the local presentations of the projects spread throughout the second half of 2023.
On this site, you will find documentation of all projects, trying to convey the local experience even if it is not possible to be there.

Urban Walks is a regional project of the Goethe-Institut East Asia.