Plan your next exchange

We strive to enable partner schools to build transatlantic relationships that go beyond a singular student exchange.

a yellow alarmclock in front of a light-blue background @ Colourbox

GAPP is one of very few school exchange programs rooted in long-term partnerships between partner schools, teachers, and communities. We strive to enable partner schools to build transatlantic relationships that go beyond a singular student exchange. Below you will find all the information you need to continue building students' trust and interest in German / American culture and language.  


For your convenience, we have compiled ready-to-print materials to help you promote a GAPP exchange at your school.  

Tools to promote a GAPP exchange at your school

For your convenience, we have compiled ready-to-print marketing materials to help you promote a GAPP exchange at your school.

Materials for students

You can download a copy of the student journal above or contact us at if you would like to receive printed and bound copies for your students. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail or call us at (212) 439-8700.

We have also created a detailed lesson plan to help you promote German at the elementary school in your district and get younger students excited about taking German down the road: 

Travel and Accommodation


GAPP groups may fly with any carrier of their choice. However, Lufthansa and Icelandair are offering special conditions to GAPP groups. Click on the links below to find out more.

Lufthansa Logo ©    Lufthansa Logo
Icelandair Logo ©    Icelandair Logo
Lufthansa via Objectix
GAPP Groups on Lufthansa need to be booked through Objectix to obtain special conditions.
Download Icelandair-GAPP Exchange Agreement for travel:


Hostelling International Logo ©    Hostelling International Logo
City hostels Logo ©    City hostels Logo
Hostelling International
Hostelling International is a worldwide network of Not-for-Profit Youth Hostel Association
City-Hostels in Germany’s Rhineland featurs hostels in Bonn, Cologne, Duisburg, and Düsseldorf that are perfect for groups of all sizes and ages.

University Collaborations

If you're traveling to Germany with GAPP, you may want to visit a few universities during your trip. Why? Germany is a top-destination for international students. Its world-class, low-cost/tuition-free universities pave the way not only for a high- quality, accredited global education, but also for a debt-free future.

GAPP has a partnership with several German universities that have liasion offices in New York City. Please contact each office individually if you are in the vicinity of universities and interested in touring universities with your GAPP group. Our partners at the liaison offices will coordinate between you and the universities. 


University of Cologne 
Contact Liaison Office NYC

Dr. Eva Bosbach, Executive Director

UAS 7 (German Universities of Applied Sciences) 
Berlin School of Economics and Law, FH Münster UAS,
Bremen City UAS, Hamburg UAS, TH Köln - UAS,
HM Hochschule München UAS, Osnabrück UAS
Contact Liaison Office NYC 
Patrizia Nobbe, PhD, Executive Director

Campus Ostwestfalen- Lippe 
Bielefeld University, Paderborn University, Hochschule Bielefeld –
University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSBI),
TH OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
Detmold University of Music
Contact Liaison Office NYC
Dr. Katja Simons, Executive Director
University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) 
TU Dortmund University, Ruhr University Bochum,
University of Duisburg-Essen
Contact Liaison Office NYC
Priya S. Nayar, Executive Director

University of Heidelberg
Contact Liaison Office NYC

Amanda Daquila, Executive Director

University of Freiburg
Contact Liaison Office NYC

Marta Millar, Program Director



General Visa and Traveler Safety Information

Changing partner schools

If, for whatever reason, you need to change partner schools, please remember to first let your partner school know about your plans.

If a change in partner schools is necessary, visit to set up a new profile and find your new partner school.

Please inform us about your new partner school by sending an email to

GAPP Evaluation Documents

Once you have concluded your exchange, we would appreciate it if you would submit your feedback to us, which we will use to improve our program. Please find our program evaluation documents for teachers, students and parents/guardians below.


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