Exchange Visitor Programs

GAPP, Inc. is designated by the U.S. Department of State as an authorized sponsor organization of the “Exchange Visitor Program” for teachers and specialists (principals) from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, as well as for German Language Advisors (Fachberater*innen) as determined by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad (ZfA). 

Eine lächelnde Lehrerin vor ihrer Klasse Foto: Goethe-Institut


The goal of the Exchange Visitor Teacher/Specialist Program is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries through teaching and cultural exchange. This program offers highly qualified teachers and principals from Germany, Austria and Switzerland the opportunity to play important roles as cultural ambassadors by sharing aspects of their culture with U.S. students, schools, and communities through full-time, paid positions. Upon completing their tenure, teachers/specialists are expected to return to their home country to share their experience and knowledge of U.S. culture and teaching methodologies with their local community.


GAPP, Inc. is designated by the U.S. Department of State as an authorized sponsor organization of the “Exchange Visitor Program” for:
  • Teachers from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland working for one of the six official German Schools Abroad in the U.S. (see below)
  • Principals (specialists) from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland working for one of the six official German Schools Abroad in the U.S.(see below)
  • J1-visa for German Language Advisors (Fachberater – FB) as determined by the Central Agency for German Schools Abroad (ZfA)
The six German International Schools Abroad in the U.S. that belong to the network of the Cen­tral Agen­cy for Ger­man Schools Abroad are:
Detailled  information about the exchange visitor program, such as the J1/J2 visa basics, program fact sheets, participant experiences, visitor data and Q/A, may be obtained on the U.S. Department of State website:  Please note that this program is not intended as a way to immigrate to the US. 

Important information

Download your GAPP prearrival manual for teachers with information, emergency contacts, deadlines and links, and more important information, as well as the Welcome Brochure from the U.S. Department of State:


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