Interculturality in the context of German-Turkish relations

Interculturality in the context of German-Turkish relations

Project course of the Specialist Language Center at the University of Bielefeld in cooperation with the departments of German Studies at the universities Akdeniz/Antalya and Hacettepe/Ankara within the framework of the International Digital Network University (INU) of the Goethe-Institut USA.

Summer semester 2024, Thursdays online 4:15 PM - 5:45 PM (Turkish time: 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM)

As part of the International Digital Network University (INU), a long-term collaboration initiative led by the Goethe-Institut USA aiming to bring together leading universities in Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, North and South America, the Specialist Language Center at the University of Bielefeld, in cooperation with the departments of German Studies at Akdeniz University in Antalya (Turkey) and Hacettepe University in Ankara (Turkey), is offering a joint project course focusing on 'Inter- and transcultural communication.' Scholars and educators from three universities will conduct classes on their current research within the context of German-Turkish relations. Enrolled students at the University of Bielefeld can receive 2.5 credit points for their participation and the completion of an essay discussing the overall event and one of the offered topics of the event (approximately 700-1000 words) in either German or Turkish. It is explicitly welcomed if the essay also incorporates the participants' own intercultural experiences.
Participants from Turkey and other countries can receive a participation certificate from the Goethe-Institut. The presentations will be made available in a learning space.
Further information about the International Digital Network University can be found here: International Digital Network University (INU) - Goethe Institute USA

The planned program offers the following lectures:
April 11, 2024 Introduction
April 18, 2024 Assist. Prof. Dr. Nihal Pinar Kubilay (Akdeniz, Antalya): Translation history of Turkey in the second half of the 19th century with a focus on culture and literature.
April 25, 2024 Assist. Prof. Dr. Nihal Pinar Kubilay (Akdeniz, Antalya): Censorship history of Turkey in the second half of the 19th century.
May 2, 2024 Lale Özıșık, MA (Bielefeld): Biography work with women generations. 'Transmission and Transformation' of gender-specific concepts and practices. May 16, 2024 Assist. Prof. Dr. Sevgi Songören Arkılıç (Akdeniz, Antalya): German-Turkish children's and youth literature from the 1970s to the end of the 1990s (Part 1).
May 23, 2024 Assist. Prof. Dr. Sevgi Songören Arkılıç (Akdeniz, Antalya): Interculturality in German-Turkish children's and youth literary texts from 2000 to the present (Part 2).
May 30, 2024 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kemal Demir (Akdeniz, Antalya): Conceptual metaphor analysis of German and Turkish print media in the context of migration.
June 6, 2024 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mutlu Er (Hacettepe, Ankara): Dimensions between tradition and modernity. Discourse analysis of the postmodern coup of February 28, 1998.
June 13, 2024 Prof. Dr. Murat Önsoy (Hacettepe, Ankara): History of Turks in Germany.
June 20, 2024 Ramazan Özgentürk (Bielefeld): Turkish labor migration to Germany. Personal observations and reflections from the perspective of an eyewitness.
June 27, 2024 Harun Kocataş, MA (Bielefeld): Interculturality among German-Turkish students, illustrated by the example of German-Turkish tandem courses.
July 4, 2024 Assist. Prof. Dr. Sakın Özışık (Bielefeld): Roots and wings: Religious socialization of Turkish immigrants in Germany across generations.
July 11, 2024 Dr. Nilgün Yüce (Bielefeld): Intercultural awareness in German-Turkish university communication and cooperation.
July 18, 2024 Final evaluation in plenum.
