Inter- und Transkulturalität und interkulturelle Kompetenz

An Introduction
In our globalized world of the 21st century, "intercultural competence" is considered a key competence. Intercultural exchange in plural societies starts directly on the spot and not only where we enter a foreign and new cultural setting - and thus also in our courses.

In this course we will approach inter- and transculturality and intercultural competence from different angles.

To begin with, we will start with different fundamental understandings of culture and culturality and reflect on what these terms imply for understanding social contexts and to what extend they play a role in our interpersonal relationships and communities.
In this context, we also address issues of cultural identity, prejudice, and stereotypes from a social psychological perspective. Building on this, we develop a more advanced understanding of the importance of intercultural competence in our globalized and pluralized world. In this course, the contexts of organizations, areas of public administration and private business, as well as informal and private contexts of everyday interaction are being considered. In this way, a bridge is built between theoretical perspectives and the students' own experiences and actions. Students are also given the space to connect the content of the course with perspectives and questions from their own disciplinary expertise.

Target group

The course is aimed at students from various disciplines who are interested in the course topics.

General conditions
Course duration: 12 weeks
Scope: 10 course units with varied reflection tasks and active participation in discussion forums; three 180-minute virtual ZOOM sessions; one-hour final exam on the contents of the seminar or term paper or oral exam
moodlebased, tutored, with virtual ZOOM sessions
Required German language skills: B2 or higher

Time period
01.10.2021 until 31.03.2022
During the course, classes are flexible in terms of location and time and will be supervised by experienced tutors. The dates of the ZOOM sessions are: 19.10.2021, 16:15-17:45h (introductory session) as well as three further plenary sessions on 09.11.2021, 07.12.2021 and 18.01.2022, each 16:00-19:00h (Central European Time, CET).

Certificate of advanced training

Responsible for the course content
