Taras Schewtschenko National University of Kyiv

Taras Schewtschenk National University of Kyiv

The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is a classical university with a strong research profile and serves as the leading academic and educational center in Ukraine. With the emergence of an independent Ukrainian nation, the university faces new challenges and tasks. The academic experts of the future are characterized by in-depth expertise in their fields and the ability for creative thinking while being fully aware of the significant responsibility they assume when working at the forefront of academic thought.

The emblem of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

The main building of the university, known as the Red Building, is depicted in the center of the composition, symbolizing the university's character as a repository of knowledge. The left half features the Archangel Michael, the patron saint of Kyiv, while the right half portrays Grand Prince Volodymyr, historically recognized as the patron saint of the fundamental nature of knowledge, after whom the university was originally named (until 1919). The year 1834, marking the university's establishment, is the central focus of the composition. Surrounding the central image are golden ribbons inscribed with the words 'Utilitas, Honor et Gloria.' This text, serving as the motto of the St. Volodymyr Order, defines the priorities in the historical development of the university. 

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

The university offers bachelor's and master's degrees, postgraduate qualifications, and doctorates. It provides training and retraining programs across 55 fields for bachelor's studies and 98 fields for master's studies. More than 26 thousand students are enrolled at the university. Approximately 1,645 postgraduates and 125 doctoral candidates are actively engaged at the university.

Courses are provided by 198 faculties. The academic potential of the Kyiv University is demonstrated today by over 60 full members and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 626 staff members with doctoral degrees and professor titles, as well as 1,645 staff members with higher postgraduate degrees. The university comprises 13 faculties: Geography, Economics, History, Cybernetics, Mathematics and Mechanics, Sociology, Information Technology, Radiophysics, Electronics and Computer Systems, Psychology, Physics, Philosophy, Chemistry, and Law. There are 8 institutes (Military Academy, High Technology Center, Institute of Journalism, Institute of Geology, Institute of International Relations, Center for Postgraduate Education, Teaching and Research Institute of Philology, Department of State Security, and Institute of Biology).
