Jasmin Root-Joswig

Jasmin Root-Joswig © @Jasmin Root-Joswig Jasmin Root-Joswig @Jasmin Root-Joswig

I am originally from Dortmund, Germany, and have moved to the US in 2019. For the last 10 years, I taught German as a Foreign Language, English as a Foreign Language and Social Studies at the Elementary, Middle, and High School level in Germany, India, and the US.

I currently teach German and EFL in the Middle School section at the German International School in Boston. Through my various roles and positions at different schools with language programs, I have gained a lot of experience in curriculum design, curriculum writing and language program evaluation and development. Teaching across various grade levels (grades 1-12) helped me gain more understanding about the importance of holistic and sustainable language programs.

I am part of the GEM network because I am passionate about teaching and learning, and especially about second/foreign language teaching. I love to share my knowledge and experience and I have always enjoyed supporting teachers building their curriculum and materials and perfecting their own practice. Through the GEM network I want to support teachers in strengthening the German program and curriculum at their schools. I want to invite teachers to expand their skill set, manage their valuable time efficiently, and think outside the box. I am looking forward to working together with other German teachers, exchanging ideas, developing new skills, and building strong German language programs.
