Film Screening
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit

Film still: When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
© Beta Cinema


About the film:
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
Germany | 2020 | 119 Minutes | Caroline Link

Suppose your country began to change. Suppose that without your noticing it became dangerous for some people to live in your country. That is what happens to 9-year-old Anna in 1933. Anna is not sure who Hitler is. But when her own father goes missing one day, she comes to realize that the man on the posters is about to change the whole of Europe – starting with her own small life. She is forced to leave her favorite stuffed pink rabbit behind and uproot her entire existence to move first to Switzerland and later to Paris. From now on Anna encounters life as a refugee, not speaking the language, not knowing customs and manners, missing her friends and loved ones. Finding a school is difficult, money is very short, and her family encounters xenophobia, too. Yet Anna grows up, finds new friends, and learns to take responsibility.
Registration About the director:
Caroline Link
’s career as a director began with immediate success both at the national and international level when her first feature film Beyond Silence (1996) was nominated for an Academy Award® for Best Foreign Language Film in 1997. After completing her second feature film, Annaluise and Anton (1999), a children’s movie based on the Erich Kästner novel of the same name, Link directed Nowhere In Africa (2001), which won the Academy Award® for Best Foreign Language Film in 2003. In 2013, she directed Exit Marrakech, which premiered as a Special Presentation at the Toronto International Film Festival and won the Gryphon Award for Best Film at the Giffoni International Film Festival. In 2018, she released Germany's No. 1 hit comedy of the year, The Boy Needs Some Fresh Air, also titled All About Me. The film screened at the 45th Seattle International Film Festival and won lead actor Julius Weckauf the Golden Space Needle Award for his acting performance.




Language: German, with English subtitles
Price: $14-15

Part of series Seattle International Film Festival [online]