Europe Day Bake Off Seattle [online]

Europe Day Bake Off
© Jasmin Krakenberg


Join Goethe Pop Up Seattle, the Alliance Française de Seattle, and two iconic Seattle bakeries to celebrate Europe Day 2021!
For a unique celebration of French-German friendship, and Europe as a whole, German bakery Kaffeeklatsch and French bakery La Parisienne will join forces to initiate you to some of their most-loved traditional baked delicacies.

Chouquette © © La Parisienne Chouquette © La Parisienne
This is a wonderful opportunity to dive into European pastry traditions and to learn how to make your own. This event will be in a workshop format, where each bakery will showcase a traditional baked good and instruct the audience on the best ways to make it at home. You will receive the list of ingredients ahead of the event and get a chance to follow along from your own kitchen. Bake your own German Chocolate Gugelhupf and French Chouquettes.
Schokogugelhupf © © Kaffeeklatsch Schokogugelhupf © Kaffeeklatsch
As a true bake-off event, we invite you to share your creations on social media in the days following the workshop: the baker of the most appealing pastry will receive a gift certificate to the corresponding bakery! Make sure to post a photo of your work on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #eurobakeseattle. The winners will be announced on Wednesday, May 12.
This event takes place online via Zoom Webinar. RSVP below to attend and receive the Zoom link and list of ingredients. The event is open to all and great for families. Not to be missed!
Co-hosted by Goethe Pop Up Seattle and Alliance Française de Seattle, in partnership with La Parisienne French Bakery and Kaffeeklatsch Seattle.





Language: English
Price: Free