Stele Trial

Stele Trial © Jason Loebs
© Jason Loebs

Extended through Sunday, May 13!

Ludlow 38

For the exhibition Stele Trial, artist Jason Loebs has taught himself Teeline, a shorthand writing system commonly used in courtrooms and police-evidence recordings. He has etched stock phrases from English-speaking courtroom trials (drawn from his own handwritten shorthand notes) into marble: “Is there anything that would prevent you from serving fairly and impartially?”; “As jurors, you are not to be swayed by sympathy.” By recasting the experience of contemplating art as a hypothetical trial, Loebs asks: Who might the prosecutor be? The accused?

Also on display is a series of photographs of smartphones laid on a workplace table. The individual screens of each phone display images of the New York State Supreme Court Building and the Tweed Courthouse, both not far from Ludlow 38; the images depict artworks installed in the courthouses or image stills from films where they have appeared. The screens disclose an anterior source for the image on their surface. The design of both the phones and the marble slabs share a common function: record keeping.

To illuminate these objects, Loebs has lit Ludlow 38 by installing cleanroom lighting typically used in labs for manufacturing and photo developing. The lighting comes to stand in as a generic site for scientific procedure and production—pointing to the double meaning of the word “trial”—both as experiment and as tribunal.

Presented by the Agency for Legal Imagination at MINI/Goethe-Institut Curatorial Residencies Ludlow 38

Jason Loebs lives and works in New York. He attended the Whitney Independent Study Program in 2011, received his MFA from the Art Institute of Chicago in 2007, and a certificate from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in 2004. Recent solo exhibitions include Kangaroo Stele, Éclair, Berlin; Private Matters, ESSEX STREET, New York; and TITLE STACK SINK RELEASE, Kunsthalle Freiburg, Fribourg.


Ludlow 38

38 Ludlow Street
New York, NY 10002

Language: English
Price: Free admission

+1 212 4398700 ludlow38@goethe.de