Film Streaming
I Often Think of Hawaii

I Often Think of Hawaii © Deutsche Kinemathek/Elfi Mikesch
© Deutsche Kinemathek/Elfi Mikesch


“This first film by Elfi Mikesch is a semi-documentary portrait of a Berlin family, contrasting the mundane daily life routine of Ruth and her 16-year-old daughter Carmen with an extraordinary fantasy life shared by mother and daughter, and built precariously on memories of Carmen’s missing father. The father, who appears in the film only as a projection (in photos and reminiscences), was a Puerto Rican career soldier who met Ruth at a dance, promised to show her the world, but disappeared after a second child was born, leaving behind him only postcards and some Hawaiian records. With the help of Mikesch, Carmen acts out her fantastic yearnings for an exotic world of tropical colors and dreams far removed from the drab reality of working-class Berlin, possibly as far removed as Honolulu.” –Pacific Film Archive

New digital restoration courtesy of Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin

Presented as part of the film series Female Misbehavior: The Films of Monika Treut and Elfi Mikesch, in collaboration with Anthology Film Archives and Salzgeber Club

Ich denke oft an Hawaii
Dir. Elfi Mikesch
1978, 82 minutes, 16mm-to-DCP

With Carmen Rossol, Ruth Rossol, Tito Rossol




Language: German with English subtitles
Price: Rent $10
Buy $15
Part of series Female Misbehavior: The Films of Monika Treut and Elfi Mikesch

All proceeds from ticket sales go to Anthology Film Archives and Salzgeber & Co. Medien. By purchasing a ticket you are keeping one of the most important not-for-profit film centers in New York City alive.