Film Streaming
Goethe on Demand

© Filmgalerie 451


In collaboration with Filmgalerie 451, the Goethe-Institut has launched Goethe on Demand, an online streaming program. It contains a small but exquisite selection of films, is free of charge and will be available worldwide through the end of June.

All films are available in the original German version, with English subtitles and with subtitles in a few additional languages. Unfortunately, due to license restrictions, not all titles are available in every country. Films streamable in the US include Angela Schanelec's Afternoon (2006) and The Dreamed Path (2016), Roland Klick's cult classic Supermarket (1973), Heinz Emigholz's Parabeton (2012), and a selection of films by and on Christoph Schlingensief.

Please email us at to obtain a promo code that allows you to view one or more of these films for free.




Language: German with English subtitles
Price: Free