Games Evening
Games Evening (Spieleabend)

(c) Goethe-Institut Washington
(c) Goethe-Institut Washington

Goethe-Institut Washington

Come enjoy German games and a glass of wine with us! Games by German designers are enjoying increasing popularity outside their native country. This evening of board and card games will feature classics such as Bohnanza alongside newer favorites including Alhambra, Tigris & Euphrates, and Settlers of Catan. Participants are invited to bring their favorite games and friends for the fun.

One room will be reserved for playing games in German.

In cooperation with Labyrinth Games and Puzzles.

Please note: arrival by 7 pm is suggested to ensure sufficient playing time.

Admission ($5) will be charged at the door. Drinks and snacks will be offered.

Eventbrite – Goethe-Institut Washington


Goethe-Institut Washington

1377 R St. NW, 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20009

Language: English/German
Price: No charge

+1 (202) 847-4700