Special Event Series
Shaping the Past: Memory Month

Blue Background with Text: Shaping the past, Memory Month Kick off, October 8-9
Studio Aorta

Innovative Forms of Memory Culture


We are proud to present Shaping the Past: Memory Month - a month-long virtual and in-person program series highlighting and discussing ongoing critical memory interventions in sites and spaces, and in particular, monuments, in North America and Germany. The program features Monument Lab transnational Fellows, as well as prominent international voices in the field.  

Shaping the Past is a partnership between Monument Lab, the Goethe-Institut, and the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung / bpb (German Federal Agency for Civic Education). The project connects to the activist and artistic work of local, national, and transnational movements as a reflection of memory culture, and discusses new perspectives on forms of memory.   

Virtual Events

October 8-9 | Shaping the Past Town Hall (with Spanish and German interpretation)

October 12 | Social Media Takeover: Joel Garcia

October 12 | Counter Memories: Joel Garcia

October 13 | Mexico City: Instagram Live with Thalia Fernández Bustamante (Spanish)

October 14 | Los Angeles: Unmonumenting, Science and Strategy

October 17 | Montreal: Missing Black Technofossil Here: Virtual Walking Tour & Website Launch

October 18 | Kansas City: Artist Talk with Alisha Wormsley "There are Black People in the Future

October 19-20 | New York: Marking Absences - Shifting Narratives

October 20 | Mexico City: Discussion on Commemoration of public conflict in public space (Spanish)

October 22 | Boston: Listening to History: Sound, Space, and Remembrance

October 23 | Toronto: Black Digital Futures - Virtual Walking Tour and AR Launch 

October 24 | Mexico City: Digital Conference on Commemoration of public conflict in public space (Spanish)

October 26 - December 31 | Counter Memories: Ada Pinkston

October 27 | Mexico City: Instagram Live with Sergio Beltrán-García (Spanish)

October 28 | Boston: Listening to History: Revisiting Memory through Narrative Soundscape Compositions

October 29 | Chicago: Future Memory

October 31 | Montreal: Reflections on Dreaming and Black Indigenous Futures 

November 16-21| Houston: Virtual Artist Residence: There are Black People in the Future

Until December 15 | Toronto:  Benita Bailey: #YellIt - Conversations with Black Artists

Local EvenTs

September 5 - December 12 | Kansas City
Installation: There are Black People in the Future

Through October 31 | New York
A People's Manifesto

October 12 | Los Angeles
Future Ancestral Monuments

October 13 | Los Angeles
Civic Displace 

October 31 - December 31 | Seattle
Exhibition: Story Porch

December 3 - May 1 | Chicago
Exhibition: There is Black Housing in the Future,
Equitable Public Housing as Memorial


STP-on-Demand: Cinematic Perspectives on Shaping the Past

October 28 | Was Bleibt / Šta Ostaje (What Remains / Revisited) (2020), dir. Clarissa Thieme
*Presented by Goethe Pop Up Seattle in partnership with the Northwest Film Forum Seattle for the program German Cinema Now!.

November 5 - November 8 | We Almost Lost Bochum (2019), dir. Julian Brimmers & Benjamin Westermann
*Presented by Goethe-Institut Toronto with Wavelength Music

November 12 - November 15 | Muttererde (2017), dir. Jessica Lauren Elizabeth Taylor
*Presented by Goethe Pop Up Seattle

November 13-16 | Mother I Am Suffocating. This Is My Last Film About You. (2019), dir. Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese
*Presented by Goethe Pop Up Houston in partnership with Houston Cinema Arts Society for Houston Cinema Arts Festival.

November 20 - November 22 | Black Deutschland (2006), dir. Oliver Hardt
*Presented by Goethe Pop Up Houston & Goethe Pop Up Kansas City

November 20 - November 22 | The Black Museum (2018), dir. Oliver Hardt
*Presented by Goethe Pop Up Houston & Goethe Pop Up Kansas City

November 25 | Becoming Black (2020), dir. Ines Johnson-Spain
*Presented by Goethe Pop Up Seattle in partnership with the Northwest Film Forum Seattle for the program German Cinema Now!.

November 27 - November 29 | The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till (2005), dir. Keith A. Beauchamp
*Presented by Goethe Pop Up Kansas City

November 30 - December 4 | The Bicycle (1982), dir. Evelyn Schmidt
*Presented by Goethe-Institut Washington for Films Across Borders: Stories of Resilience and Hope

November 30 - December 4 | Jacob the Liar (1974), dir. Frank Beyer
*Presented by Goethe-Institut Washington for Films Across Borders: Stories of Resilience and Hope

December 4 - December 6 | From Here (2020), dir. Christina Antonakos-Wallace
*Presented by Goethe Pop Up Houston & Goethe Pop Up Kansas City




Language: English (some events in Spanish or with simultaneous interpretation)
Price: Free

Part of series Shaping the Past: Memory Month Washington