Podcast Der gute Mensch von Sezuan

Love in Translation - Episode 1 Foto: © ICG 2021

Do, 11.11.2021 –
Do, 25.11.2021

20:00 Uhr

Online Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt

“Say what we may of the inadequacy of translation, yet the work is and will always be one of the weightiest and worthiest undertakings in the general concerns of the world.”
J. W. Goethe

The L.I.T Show or “Love In Translation” is a podcast program that specializes in literary translation, initiated and produced by the filmmaker Nguyen Le Hoang Viet. This podcast will introduce Vietnamese literature translators through inspiring conversations, sharing untold stories about translation work, the passion behind the pages, as well as the beauty of languages.

From November to December 2021, The LIT show starts with its first series on German literature, “Werther Is Alive” (inspired by the classic novel The sorrow of young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). Various Vietnamese writers, who have made outstanding translations from German works of poetry, dramas, stories to be more accessible to Vietnamese readers, will be introduced in this series.

The series “Werther Is Alive” by Love In Translation podcast is made possible with the support of the program Ignite Creativity Grant 2021, an initiative of the Goethe-Institut Ho Chi Minh City.

The first episode of The LIT Show's Werther Is Alive series introduces the theatrical masterpiece The Good Person of Szechwan by German playwright Bertolt Brecht and the devoted translation that took nearly four decades by translator Dr. Thai Kim Lan.

As a Hue native, she devoted her career to cultural and artistic connections between Vietnam and Germany, between East and West, translating German authors such as Bertolt Brecht, Hermann Hesse, Georg Büchner into Vietnamese, Vietnamese poetry into German, an unfinished project with composer Trinh Cong Son and many other stories about "delicate" and "elegant". Listen to hosts Hoang Viet and DG Kim Lan bilingually read a verse from the play - Thien Tam's lyrics "I want to go with the person, the person I love...I don't want to compare, how much does a love story cost..."

Link to first episode: https://fb.me/e/4JpTbAWcH

About the creator:
Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Việt is a writer, director and the co-founder of “ever rolling films” company. His short films participated and won awards in various film festivals (Roommate, The Cat and The Orange Seeds). His video art Eroica 2020 showcased in Bozar The Center for Fine Arts (Brussels, Belgium) and the Goethe Institut Hanoi.

Please check out our podcast “The L.I.T Show” on Spotify, Anchor and Apple Podcast with the keyword "Love In Translation - THE LIT SHOW”.  Each episode will feature a cozy conversation between a translator and the host Nguyen Le Hoang Viet, with an excerpt reading from the translation work in two languages Vietnamese and German - read by the host and the guest respectively.

