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Chapter 41Yaotaos signs - travelling journal for young students

  • Number of downloads:1422
Goethe-Institut China

As part of the PASCH initiative China, additional learning material for young learners of German (between 8 - 12 years) was developed for the book "Yaotaos Zeichen".

Language level

Target group


Goethe-Institut China

Part of the series Elementary German: Activities and exercises

42 materials

Traditions and holidays: learning videos

  • Number of downloads:504444
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, slovenian

A1 A2 B1 B2

German in the Nursery

  • Number of downloads:509
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English


German with Felix und Franzi

  • Number of downloads:24137
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, finnish


Funology for primary schools

  • Number of downloads:453
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English


Kamishibai - Interactive storytelling

  • Number of downloads:4256
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, lithuanian, polish

Mister H. - Music for Kids

  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, czech

A1 A2

German modules for children

  • Number of downloads:57240
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, czech, hungarian


Folding cards: first aid in German

  • Number of downloads:31306
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, spanish, catalan

A1 A2

The White Lady

  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, czech


Jiří and Alex

  • Number of downloads:1237
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, czech


Experimenting in German

  • Number of downloads:141355
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, lithuanian, slovak


Learning videos: Goethe green

  • Number of downloads:24941
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, slovenian

A1 A2 B1 B2

Fit with Goethe: Learning videos

  • Number of downloads:99401
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, slovenian

A1 A2 B1 B2

Pronunciation training

  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, italian

A1 A2

Simple sentence structure

  • Number of downloads:21402
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English


We celebrate Easter

  • Number of downloads:11690
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

A1 A2

"Stups, der kleine Osterhase"

  • Number of downloads:36603
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

A1 A2

German with Karla and Kai

  • Number of downloads:5234
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English


German for little researchers

  • Number of downloads:3680
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, Russian

A1 A2

Experiments with Vika

  • Number of downloads:3544
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, ukrainian

A2 B1

Visual phonetics

  • Number of downloads:20646
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, japanese

A1 A2

Learn more German with songs

  • Number of downloads:407
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English


Learn German with songs

  • Number of downloads:855
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English


German songs

  • Number of downloads:28910
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, Chinesisch (Kurz/GB)

A1 A2 B1 B2

Steig ein! 2

  • Number of downloads:726
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

A1 A2

Steig ein! 1

  • Number of downloads:1427
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English


Die 4 Jahreszeiten

  • Number of downloads:10101
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English



The book "Yaotao's Sign" tells the story of Lucie and her international family history - a story between China and Europe is told in this book in a unique way and invite readers to join Lucie on an exciting journey of exploration.

The additional learning material, by authors Yimeng Wu and Katja Studlarek, invites young learners of German, aged eight to twelve, to creatively explore questions about home and travel, the similarities between Europe and China, as well as cultures and language.

Similar materials

German songs

  • Number of downloads:28910
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, Chinesisch (Kurz/GB)

A1 A2 B1 B2

Fit with Goethe: Learning videos

  • Number of downloads:99401
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, slovenian

A1 A2 B1 B2

Traditions and holidays: learning videos

  • Number of downloads:504444
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, slovenian

A1 A2 B1 B2

Learning videos: Goethe green

  • Number of downloads:24941
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English, slovenian

A1 A2 B1 B2

Learning Corner: Exploring the EU

  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

A2 B1 B2

People in Germany

  • Number of downloads:20452
  • Teaching material is available in the following languages German, English

A1 A2 B1 B2

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