A project by Jonas Staal and Florian Malzacher
Training for the Future 2021: Collectives, Collectivity and Collectivations

Training for the Future @ Ruhrbiennale 2019 Foto (Zuschnitt): © Ruben Hamelink

Training for the Future is a utopian training camp where audiences are turned into trainees to pre-enact alternative scenarios and reclaim the means of production of the future. They get ready to decolonize society, invent new forms of encryption, advocate for cross-generational climate justice, socialize artificial intelligence and develop transnational campaigns.

Many of the utopian ideas of ’68 – from the welfare state to gender equality and sexual liberation – though far from being fully accomplished, are still part of our present discourses and hopes. What we seem to have lost fifty years later though is the very idea of future.

On a political and military level, the now 20-year old "War on Terror" has defined the future as a never-ending source of potential threats, from suicide bombings to cyber terrorism and biological warfare. On a cultural level, popular science fiction generates endless scenarios for the end of the world, whether in the form of title waves, comets, or alien invasions. And indeed, the ecological state of the planet and the refusal to consequently act against climate change, the old and new geopolitical confrontations backed up by nuclear power, the growing injustice and the lack of any global solidarity make it hard to look optimistically into the future.


The project of a utopian training camp began in Bochum on the occasion of the Ruhrtriennale 2019. In the run up of the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2021, another series of trainings were taking place in March 2021 parallel across the world as part of the program of Performing Architecture: acting collectively, even when apart. In June 2021 a virtual strategy meeting, which brought the trainees together, followed in the virtual German Pavilion 2038. In November 2021, another live event will take place in Venice.

Worldwide trainings: 06. & 07.03.2021
Strategy Meeting: 22.06.2021
Training for the Future. Handbook + Trainings: 06.11.2021

To the events
In this context, any modest proposal against this dystopian obsession of the 21st century – such as a universal basic income, or an international law against tax havens– is instantly set aside as utopian in terms of being dangerous and naïve. But what is more utopian than to think our current path of mass pollution, extremist consumerism and never-ending wars against terrorism will lead to any improvement Now more than ever, is the time to "be realistic, demand the impossible": to become utopian-realists, and to reclaim the future as our site of common struggle once again. 

In a time of increasing global crises in politics, economy and ecology, dystopia has become the new futuristic norm. Training for the Future is a utopian training camp where audiences are turned into trainees to pre-enact alternative scenarios and reclaim the means of production of the future. Due to the coronavirus pandemic the 2021 edition has a decentralized form, with trainings taking place in parallel across the world: acting collectively, even when apart.
Training for the Future is a project by Jonas Staal, curated and co-programmed by Florian Malzacher.

Production Studio Jonas Staal: Nadine Gouders

Training for the Future 2021 is co-produced by Goethe-Institut/ Performing Architecture and Theater Neumarkt.