An Other Way

  • An other way | Hamburg © Kalidou
  • An other way | Hamburg © Stefanie Kulisch
  • An other way | Hamburg © Kalidou
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"An other way" is an artistic co-production of the partners Aerial Dance Academy e.V. from Hamburg, Germany, SenCirk in Dakar, Ndar Dance in St.Louis (both Senegal) and Zwazo from Paris, France. The aim of the project is to merge into an ephemeral company. An ensemble of young participants will create an interdisciplinary performance at the edge between urban dance and contemporary circus on the topic of water.

It is a fact that the project's working process is intercultural. It also a fact, that we are all humans. Our moving bodies are mostly made of water, exactly in the same way. We drink, wash, swim. Tides and floods of the ocean affect the everyday life in St. Louis as well as in Hamburg. We need rain for growing our food. Water is connecting us, water is dividing us. Water is our topic, as well as our way of dealing with our cultural differences, as something which we have in common, but also as something which mirrors the differences, as our differing ways of dealing with water, or with the lack of it.

Teams of the participating institutions

Ndar Dance: Roger Sarr, Awa Cissé
SenCirk: Modou Touré, Marame Diop
Zwazo: Aude Taligrot
Aerial Dance Academy: Andree Wenzel, Emma Patrignani, Kalidou Ba

Artistic Direction: Roger Sarr, Modou Touré | External Eye: Kalidou Ba | Senegalese Artists: Adji Mbene Lam, Maty Niang, Mouhamed Lamine Ndiaye, Alioune Gueye, Ngossé Mbaye, François Gomis,Mamadou Lamarana Barry | German Artists: Carla Petzolt, Jarmila Lee-Lou Kuznik, Mira Von Wangenheim, Anna Benthien, Carlotta Pöschel, Miriam Taschler | Administration and production: Emma Patrignani, Aude Taligrot, Marame Diop, Awa Cissé


This project is part of round 10 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2020-2021.