Every Active Entity
a theatrical symposium for Anton Wilhelm Amo

  • Dr. Ekua Ekumah - Every Active Entity © Christopher Icha
  • Felix Zeppenfeld - Every Active Entity © Claudio Campo-Garcia
  • Lisa Ahrens - Every Active Entity © Carlotta Lücke
  • Sahba Sahebi - Every Active Entity © Claudio Campo-Garcia
  • Vivian Boateng - Every Active Entity © Charles Mills-Robertson
  • Andrea-Vicky Amankwaa-Birago © Andrea-Vicky Amankwaa-Birago
  • Malina Raßfeld © Malina Raßfeld
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Anton Wilhelm Amo was the first Black philosopher to study and teach at a German university. His life and thought are inextricably linked with the history of the Enlightenment and the history of colonialism. Amo, who by virtue of his spirit questioned the legitimacy of colonial rule, has been marginalized for the last three hundred years. The attempt of the theatre production "Every Active Entity" is to re-assess Amo's place in history by entering into a dialogue with him in order to open up new questions and perspectives from his life and his philosophical thoughts to inform our understanding of the present. We will use the form of a symposium and translates it into an artistic practice as to potentiate a dialogue between different artistic projects that focus on selected aspects of Amo's work, as well as biographical and historical motifs. Remembering Amo will become a collective exercise questioning our understanding of knowledge, power, body and spirits.

Artistic Direction & dramaturgy: Dr. Ekua Ekumah | Artistic Direction & choreography: Vivian Boateng | Artistic Direction, performance & concept: Sahba Sahebi | Artistic Direction, performance & concept: Felix Zeppenfeld | Consultation & dramaturgy: Andrea-Vicky Amankwaa-Birago | Production direction & dramaturgy: Lisa Ahrens | Stage design: Malina Raßfeld |  Funded & supported by: Goethe-Institut (International Coproduction Fund), Hauptstadtkulturfonds

This project is part of round 9 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2020.