EPA Turned into Music

  • EPA Turned into Music Photo: Agnieszka Krzeminska
  • EPA Turned into Music Photo: Agnieszka Krzeminska
  • EPA Turned into Music Photo: Agnieszka Krzeminska
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Daniel Mburu Muhuni (Kenya), Sven Kacirek (Germany) und Agnieszka Krzeminska (Poland/Germany)

The European Union and the ACP states (African, Caribbean and Pacific states) have been negotiating an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) since 2008. In the already agreed text of this new free trading agreement, each East African country is required to open up 82.6 per cent of its market. When Kenya’s president Kenyatta refused to sign the agreement, the EU imposed tariffs that placed a severe strain on Kenya’s cut flowers, beans, and coffee, and forced President Kenyatta to acquiesce to the agreement.
Daniel Muhuni, Sven Kacirek and Agnieszka Krzeminska recorded several interviews about this issue with smallholder farmers, economists and politicians in Kenya and turned those interviews into music. This music has been released as an album in November 2017.

Music: Daniel Muhuni, Sven Kacirek | Interviews: Daniel Muhuni, Sven Kacirek, Agnieszka Krzeminska | In co-production with Goethe-Institut - International Coproduction Fund | Supported by Hamburgische Kulturstiftung  

This project is part of round 1 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2016.