• MEDEA² - two worlds, one narrative © Uwe Lewandowski Theater Osnabrück
  • MEDEA² - two worlds, one narrative © Uwe Lewandowski Theater Osnabrück
  • MEDEA² - two worlds, one narrative © Uwe Lewandowski Theater Osnabrück
  • MEDEA² - two worlds, one narrative © Uwe Lewandowski Theater Osnabrück
  • MEDEA² - two worlds, one narrative © Uwe Lewandowski Theater Osnabrück
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Teatro Avenida (Mozambique), Theater Osnabrück (Germany)

Alterity – a highly charged term. Especially in Europe, the experience of alterity is often still ascribed exclusively to the cultural “Other” – those who have come there from abroad as labourers, relatives, refugees or artists. However, in other parts of the world, for example in Africa, Europeans themselves are foreigners who have to get to know the local traditions, mores and ways of thinking. As we can see, alterity operates like a mirror image: our counterparts – different cultures or different genders – can reflect both similarities and differences. Based on this observation, we chose the myth of Medea for our exploration of alterity in the two participating countries, Mozambique and Germany. The project MEDEA² - DOIS MUNDOS, UMA NARRAÇÃO (Medea² - Two Worlds, One Narrative) presents many different forms of alterity: the relationship between Europa and Africa, the relationship between the sexes, the boundaries between Inside and Outside, Us and Them (the “barbarians” of the Greek myth) as well as the crossing of such boundaries – an act that can be judged as either explorative or aggressive according to one’s perspective. Jason is both explorer and an aggressor, Medea both co-conspirator and exotic trophy. In the myth of Medea, two cultures meet each other in love, disappointment and hate.

Artistic Direction: Dominique Schnizer | Dramaturgy: Jens Peters | Costumes: Maria Manuela de Lobao Soeiro | Stage design: Christin Treunert | Performance: Jason (Europe) Jan Andreesen, Medea (Europe) Maria Goldmann, Kreusa (Europe) Cornelia Kempers, Jason (Africa) Jorge Maria Vaz, Medea (Africa) Yolanda Dina Fumo, Kreusa (Africa) Dalila Josela Figueiredo | Music: Ernst Bechert, Celso Durão | Project Management: Jens Peters, Maria Manuela de Lobao Soeiro | With the support of: Goethe-Institut (International Co-Production Fund), TURN Fund of the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

This project is part of round 3 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2017.