Ng'Oma Wagogo Opera

  • Wagogo music Art 5 © Ng'Oma Wagogo Opera
  • Wagogo music Art 6 © Ng'Oma Wagogo Opera
  • Wagogo music Art 1 © Ng'Oma Wagogo Opera
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The project’s understanding is music to be an essential component in the development of culture.It is easy to get a message across to many people with music. The music group Wagogo Music Art from Tanzania, the musicians from Musicians for a better Life e.V. from Germany and the soprano Catherine Mushi from Tanzania want to develop a Ng'oma Wagogo Opera together focusing on a current socio-political crucial topic. In nowadays Tanzania female circumcision is still a huge taboo. Despite the ban, circumcision is still practised by some tribes. With an artistically unique and high-quality production, the project's goal is to reach the people in the country through music and also create new perspectives through art. Components of the opera are traditional Wagogo music in the Kigogo language in Ng'oma style with traditional instruments and pentatonic singing. This will be combined with a new classical composition from Europe by the composer Henrik Ajax.

The concept of this project is to break the silence and to overcome sexual violence caused by misguided traditions that oppress women in society.

Music Group Tanzania: Wagogo Music Art | Teacher and Composer: Yohana Chalo | Sopran , Libretto: Catherine Elibariki Mushi | Artistic Director of Wagogo Music Art , Libretto: Japhet Mapanga | Composer: Henrik Ajax | Violine: Philipp Jonas | Violin: Teresa Allgaier | Viola: Lina Bohn | Flute: Eva Szabados | Drumset: Flurin Mück | Artistic Director, Libretto: Anne Buter

Supporter: Musicians for a better Life e.V. & Hochschule für Musik und Theater München

This project is part of round 10 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2020-2021.