The Past is Present

  • The Past is Present | Wangari Grace & Sven Kacirec © Julian M Njoroge (Detail)
  • The Past is Present | Wangari Grace & Sven Kacirec © Julian M Njoroge (Detail)
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Wangari Grace, a Kenyan storyteller and Sven Kacirek, a German musician already worked together on the musical storytelling performance “Colonialism -A Musical Oral History Performance For Children”. The performance was presented at Münchner Kammerspiele, HAU Berlin, German Commission for UNESCO Nairobi, Che Che Book store, a.o.

Wangari and Kacirek will now create a second "Musical Storytelling Performance" about postcolonial structures. The main targeted audience will be children aged 8 and above. However, Wangari and Kacirek intend to create one version for children and a longer version for adults as well.

The aftermaths of colonialism are very much entrenched in the daily life of people all over the world. In Africa, local populations continue to deal with the challenges created by the former colonial powers. Wangari and Kacirek believe that a profound knowledge of postcolonial structures is absolutely necessary to understand today’s sociological correlations, especially when it comes to causes of migration and economic inequality.

Sven Kacirek, Wangari Grace & Goethe Institut/IKF  

By Sven Kacirek and Wangari Grace

This project is part of round 13 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2023.