Shifting Realities

  • Ambiguous Constellation © Katja Illner
  • Fragiland Photo: Stephan Floß
  • Shifting Realities © Katja Illner
  • Shifting Realities © Katja Illner
  • Shifting Realities © Katja Illner
  • Shifting Realities © Katja Illner
  • Specific people © Katja Illner
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A dance dialogue between Africa and Europe 2015 - 2017

A project of the tanzhaus nrw in collaboration with École des Sables Toubab Dialaw (Senegal) and HELLERAU - European Center for the Arts Dresden. Associated Partner: Festival On Marche Marrakech

Shifting Realities is a two-year exchange project between 13 young choreographers from Europe and several African countries. Germaine Acogny, Panaibra Canda, Taoufiq Izeddiou, Robyn Orlin and Stephanie Thiersch, prominent figures of the international dance scene whose work promotes the open encounter of cultures, accompanied the artists as mentors and coaches. From February 2nd to 12 the Festival Shifting Realities in Düsseldorf and Dresden presented the results of the collaborations in three new pieces and offered the talented young dancers a stage for their thoughts, fears, utopias and creations. Pieces by Germaine Acogny, Panaibra Gabriel Canda and Robyn Orlin complemented the festival program.

Participating artists: Avatara Ayuso (ES), Felix Bürkle (DE), Jason Jacobs (US/DE), Souleymane Ladji Koné (BF), Fang Yun Lo (TW), Félécité Mballa Manga (CM), Katia Manjate (MZ), Fouad Nafali (MA), Momar Ndiaye (SN), Sonia Radebe (ZA), Tian Rotteveel (NL), Israël Sunday (NG), Reut Shemesh (IL/DE) and Anna Till (DE) | Supported by the fund for artistic cooperation between Germany and African countries (TURN) of the Kulturstiftung des Deutschen Bundes. The project activities 2017 are supported by the co-production fund of the Goethe-Institut.

This project is part of round 1 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2016.