
  • Shameless © Tognidaho
  • Shameless © Tognidaho
  • Shameless © Tognidaho
  • Shameless © Tognidaho
  • Shameless © Tognidaho
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Doyaga (Benin), Lena Müller (Germany), Ikélèhou Kossiwa / ESSIOMLE (Togo)

The Beninese association DOYAGA has set itself the goal of promoting cooperation with international artists. The first project is a performative exploration of the novel "Shameless" by the South African author Futhi Ntshingila, together with the German video artists Lena Müller and Judith Gamm. Like the play, the book deals with social problems that currently affect women in post-apartheid South African society. The participating artists Meïmouna Coffi, Germaine Sikota, Nathalie Hounvo Yekpe, Joselito Atchadé, Lena Müller and Judith Gamm, who come from Benin, Togo, Germany and Serbia, show that these issues have a universal character. Despite or precisely because of their different experiences, they find common ground that enables them to create an artistic exploration of motifs and realities that can be found not only on but also beyond the African continent. With Shameless, the artists offer the audience a multidisciplinary performance in which video projection, dance and music are brought together in an expressive creation.

Concept, Direction: Meimouna Coffi | Choreography: Meimouna Coffi, Germanaine Sikota | Dramaturgy: Lena Müller | Text (based on "Shameless" by Futhi Ntshingila): Nathalie Hounvo Yekpe | Performance: Meimouna Coffi, Germaine Sikota, Nathalie Hounvo Yekpe | Music: Joselito Atchadé | Video: Lena Müller, Judith Gamm 

This project is part of round 8 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2019-2020.