Your voice, my voice, our voice

  • Your Voice, My Voice, Our Voice Photo: Sarah Rifaat
  • Your Voice, My Voice, Our Voice Photo: Sarah Rifaat
  • Your Voice, My Voice, Our Voice Photo: Mohamed Hisham Farouk
  • Your Voice, My Voice, Our Voice Photo: Mohamed Hisham Farouk
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Khaled Abdallah Dagher (Egypt), Uwe Dierksen (Germany), European Egyptian Contemporary Music Society EECMS / Hannes Seidl, Brigitta Muntendorf (Germany)

Words are events, they do things, change things
Ursula K. Le Guin

“Your Voice, My Voice, Our Voice“ is aimed at using the human voice and the musical sounds as tools to help create more dimensional word effects in a sense that make them whole, effective and diverse to reach listeners from all walks of life. The project focuses on the different sounds produced by the Egyptian culture when infused with other voices and sounds produced by other cultures especially western. The choice of having Egyptian and German voices for this experimental attempt is not about showing eastern and western differences – this has been stressed ever since orientalists discuss about it in hot debates – but it is a way to stand on the shared qualities between the cultures through the use of words, voices and sounds. The project’s concept also rises from a strong belief in the abilities of the human voice as a strong medium to connect and communicate. The artistic vision aims at creating a group of sounds that can introduce and express collective thoughts and narratives.
The whole project is dedicated to the memory of Artist Ahmed Basiouny, one of the martyrs of the 25th of January Revolution and who has believed in the power of the voice and sound. Basiouny inspired generations of students of visual arts to use their ears to get a better and whole sense of the world.

Production: Khlaed Abdallah Dagher | Composition & Coproduction: Brigitta Muntendorf | Sound Art: Hannes Seidel | Video, Sound Installation & Stage Performance: Uwe Dierksen | Coproduction: The European Egyptian Contemporary Music Society | With: Kamilya Jubran, Brigitta Muntendorf, Khaled Dagher, Hannes Seidl, Jacqueline George, Bahaa El Ansary, Khaled Kaddal, Ola Saad, Ahmed Madkour, Hossam Shehata, Nesma Abdel Aziz, Sherif El Razzaz, Mathis Mayr | Funded by: the International Co-production Fund of the Goethe-Institut  

This project is part of round 3 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2017.