
  • REfract@6Degrees | Sensing Adjacency, created by Zelia ZZ Tan, CCDC 2022 © Zelia ZZ TAN
  • REfract@6Degrees | Zelia ZZ Tan@Trans, CCDC 2020 © Chi-Wai@Moon 9 image
  • ROXY Ulm © Florian Wenzel
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A new creation of director, choreographer and dancer Zelia ZZ Tan (Hong Kong), REfract@6Degrees is a hybrid performance with a solo dancer interacting with motion capture system, avatars and VR technology. The “Phygital mirror” is a central metaphorical and performative element, in and around which the performer explores identities in multiple space, time and realities in a post-human narrative immersed with visual images created by media artist Acci Baba (Japan/Germany).
The project will use innovative creative processes to explore new identities for the dancer as a practitioner of the art of the human body, methodologies of choreographic creation, and audience experience. These will form the basis of inventing a new paradigm of future dance, through intellectual investigation and artistic experimentation.
An open process will be adopted in the creation of the work. Residences, work-in-progress events and interactive sharing will be held in Hong Kong, Germany and the USA before its presentation in April/May 2024.

Director / choreographer/ dancer: Zelia ZZ TAN | Multimedia artist: Acci Baba | Dramaturg: Cally Yu | Technologists: Joseph Watson, Michael Barngrover | Composer / sound designer: Simon Ho (tbc) | Costume designer: Perpetua Ip | Lighting designer: Allen Fung (tbc) | Producer: Cheung Fai | Advisors: Pablo Sansalvador (Germany), Gilles Jobin (Switzerland)

This project is part of round 13 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2023.