Erzählungen aus der Lagune فاصله کانونی Sammelleidenschaft des Fährmanns

  • 1 Erzählungen aus der Lagune Photo: Mohammad Sadegh Zarjooyan
  • 3 Erzählungen aus der Lagune Photo: Mohammad Sadegh Zarjooyan
  • 4 Erzählungen aus der Lagune Photo: Mohammad Sadegh Zarjooyan
  • 5 Erzählungen aus der Lagune Photo: Mohammad Sadegh Zarjooyan
  • 12 Erzählungen aus der Lagune Photo: Soheil Moradian
  1. 1
  2. 2
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Ramin Bayat (Iran), Amen Feizabadi (Germany), LUX:NM Ensemble (Germany), Rooberoo Mansion (Iran)

Two narrators. A ferrywoman at the lagoon of Anzali, at the Caspian Sea. A guide to the Wadden Sea on the North Sea. Both tell in monologues about their dreams and fantasies and about figures they imagine. Both are more and more concerned with the question of whether they themselves are fantasy products of another person and wonder how and whether they can answer this question. At the same time, the protagonists search for the creator of a timeless and spaceless "melody" that has burned itself into their heads.

"Tales from the Lagoon" is a bilingual and intercultural music theatre project produced in Germany and Iran and performed in Tehran and Berlin. This project, in which German and Iranian artists are involved, is also concerned with the question of how linguistic-musical boundaries can be overcome and what artistic potential can be released in the process.

In this project, music, text and performance as independent entities preserve their character. The music does not underline the text, the acting performance should not only present the text, the language should not only convey contents, but also exhaust its musical potentials. Each of these disciplines tells its own story in its own way, and yet they should enter into dialogue with each other and merge into a new synthesis.

Production Manager / Project Coordinator: Anahita Safarnejad, Fabian Lazarzik  | Composition / Artistic Director: Amen Feizabadi  |  Acting Director: Ramin Bayat | Text/Dramaturgy: Arash Sarkohi  |  Music: LUX NM Ensemble (Silke Lange, Ruth Velten, Ni Fan, Amen Feizabadi) | Acting: Reza Behboodi, Claudia van Hasselt| Singing: Claudia Van Hasselt | Iranian Singing / Bariton / Robâb: Hamid Shahsavan | Speaker: Sabine Zaluskowski | Costume Designer: Nasrin Khorami  |  Stage Design: Saeid Hasanlou, Golriz Esmaeilpour | Light: Ali Kuzehgar| Sound: Andreas Koeppen | Graphics: Hani Jahani | Deutsche Oper Berlin: Lars Gebhardt, Anna von Gehren, Kundry Rymon, Steffen Hoppe, Nicolai Roloff, Joshua Bauer, Lisa Carl, Emma Dunhei, Lucas Groth, Tharindu Mayadunne, Jan Just | Funded by: the International Co-production Fund of the Goethe-Institut

This project is part of round 4 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2017-2018.