• Antiope and Rainer Kohlberger Photo: Aram Tahmasebi
  • Antiope and Rainer Kohlberger Photo: Malthe Ivarsson
  • Rabih Beaini and Pouya Pouramin Photo: Malthe Ivarsson
  • SETxCTM Beaini+Pouya Berlin Photo: Carolina Mora
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SET Festival/Ata Ebteka (Iran), CTM Festival/DISK – Initiative Bild & Ton e.V. (Germany)

SET x CTM strengthens the growing network between experimental artists in Iran and Germany by building on a first coproduction that was developed during the 2017 CTM Festival in Berlin. Two works by artists from Iran and Germany are commissioned for it: an audio-visual composition by the Iranian, Paris-based duo 9T Antiope with the Berlin-based artist Rainer Kohlberger, as well as a composition reflecting the tradition and modernity of the Berlin-based Lebanese musician Rabih Beaini with the Iranian artist Pouya Pour-Amin and his ensemble of three from Tehran. Both works will be presented at the SET Festival in Tehran in June 2018 and at the CTM Festival in Berlin in January 2019.

Production: Jan Rohlf, Siavash Amini | Curation: Ata Ebtekar | With & By: Sara Bigdeli Shamloo, Nima Aghiani, Rainer Kollberger, Rabih Beaini, Pouya Pour-Amin, Deniz Tafaghodi, Sardar Sarmast | Funded by: the International Co-production Fund of the Goethe-Instituts

This project is part of round 4 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2017-2018.