You can shop somewhere else

  • You can shop somewhere else! © Timo Kreuser
  • You can shop somewhere else! © Tran Kim Ngoc - Photo: Tran Viet Duc
  • You can shop somewhere else! - Portrait Melati © Achri Hendratno
    Portrait Melati
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Kim Ngoc Tran (Vietnam), Phoenix16 (Germany), Melati Suryodarmo (Indonesia)

A cooperation of Melati Suryodarmo, Kim Ngoc Tran, Timo Kreuser and PHØNIX16 supported by the International Co-Production Fund - 2020.

China invented paper money. Marco Polo brought it to Europe. China stopped using it right after Marco Polo left. Europe invented capitalism. The United States abandoned the gold standard which led to the foundations for turbo-capitalism. Asia recently invented state-run capitalism. John Cage used the I-Ching, Nam June Paik did Fluxus Art, Debussy copied Gamelan.

We copy each other, we admire each other, we use each other. But what would happen if we work on a common artistic cause? If we take the context of one inviting or hosting culture away, but really meet each other at eye level? And what if this happens in a world where everything may travel but humans? How does migration look like in a post-migrational world?

In SHOPPEN KANNSTE WOANDERS, Melati Suryodarmo, Kim Ngoc Tran and Timo Kreuser develop in a long term online-workshop experience a joint performance, finding in the combination of traditional approaches with experimental music, performance art, sound art and improvisation, unique hybrids of sound, beyond any Crossover.

Concept / Performers: Kim Ngoc Tran, Melati Suryodarmo, Timo Kreuser | Performers: TBA | Production manager: Sonia Lescene

A cooperation between Kim Ngoc Tran/Dom Dom, Hanoi, Melati Suryodarmo/ Studio Plesungan, Surakarta and Timo Kreuser/PHØNIX16, Berlin, supported by the International Coproduction Fund - Goethe Institut.

This project is part of round 8 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2019-2020.