The Playlist

  • The Playlist © Umair Irfani
  • The Playlist © Umair Irfani
  • The Playlist © Umair Irfani
  • The Playlist © Umair Irfani
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Fawad Khan (Pakistan), Elmira Bahrami (Germany), Jakob Weiss (Germany)

The torture-playlist of the CIA, a playlist of western (pop)music, used as a tool to torture the prisoners of Guantánamo, played by traditional Pakistani musicians is creating the frame for a performative  confrontation with the consequences of the „war on terror“ and Globalisation. A political music-performance, in cooperation between Pakistani and German artists, inspired by own research in Pakistan, as well as by the books Guantanamo Diary by Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Five years of my life by Murat Kurnaz and The CIA torture report. A shocking and moving mixture of pop music, tradition and cruelty.
THE PLAYLIST is a reflexion on differences and similarities of Islamic and Christian values and traditions, on capitalism and extremism. An interdisciplinary project in which music and singing, performing and speaking, playing and dancing alternate, mixed with documentary videos of own research in Pakistan.
Research Team: Elmira Bahrami, Jakob Weiss, Sunil Shankar, Fawad Khan | Text: Fawad Khan | Stage Direction: Fawad Khan, Jakob Weiss | Choreography: Sunil Shankar | Music: Elmira Bahrami | Performance: Fawad Khan, Elmira Bahrami, Sunil Shankar, Joshinder Chagger | Music Direction: Yusuf Kerai | Musicians: Ahsan Bari (Gesang), Shehroze (Sitar, Gesang) | Design: Jakob Weiss | Costumes: Erum Bashir |  Light: Zain Ahmed | Supported by: Goethe-Institut, Internationaler Koproduktionsfonds

This project is part of round 5 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2018.