• Demythologize that history and put it to rest Foto: Jorinde Splettstösser
  • Demythologize that history and put it to rest Photo: Marcio Carvalho
  • Demythologize that history and put it to rest Photo: Maycon Alexsander Alves
  • Demythologize that history and put it to rest Photo: Antonio Pedro Mendes
  • Demythologize that history and put it to rest Photo: Maycon Alexsander Alves
  • Demythologize that history and put it to rest Photo: Antonio Pedro Mendes
  • Demythologize that History and put it to rest Foto: Marcio Carvalho
    Demythologize that History and put it to rest
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Hangar – Centro de Investigação Artística (Portugal), Savvy Contemporary (Germany), Gabinete de Estudos Olisiponenses (Portugal), Colonial Neighbours Archive (Germany)

Demythologize that History and Put It to Rest sees itself as a performative counter-archive. It focuses on the monuments of two historical personalities who exerted huge influences on the colonisation of Africa by the European powers during the so-called Congo Conference (1884/85) in Berlin: Otto von Bismarck (Tiergarten, Berlin) and King Charles I (Palacio da Ajuda, Lisbon). Eight performances by artists from Angola, Cameroon, Gabon, Iraq, Mozambique, and Portugal aim to decolonise these two heroic monuments. They respond to how history is exhibited and portrayed in the public space and at the same time question how art can bring about social change. The collaborative, artistic positions will be shown in two exhibitions at Savvy Contemporary and Colonial Neighbors in Berlin and in the Hangar – Centro de Investigação Artística in Lisbon.

Partner: SAVVY Contemporary, Colonial Neighbours, Hangar, Gabinete de Estudos Olisiponenses | Artists: Marcio Carvalho, Angela Ferreira, Kiluanji Kia Enda, Filia Cesar, Nathalie Mba Bikoro, Ali Alfatlawi, Whatiq Alameri, Christian Etongo | Funded by: the International Co-production Fund of the Goethe-Institut

This project is part of round 4 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2017-2018.