
  • M.I.L.K. En Knap © Andrej Lamut
  • M.I.L.K. En Knap © Andrej Lamut
  • Cathy Milliken © Cathy Milliken
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En-Knap Productions (Slovenia), Kesselhaus und Maschinenhaus – Kulturbrauerei / Consense GmbH (Germany), Croatian Cultural Center Rijeka (Croatia)

The project is challenging predominant perception of patriotism, which collective identity defines with clear border between US and THEM, establishing who we are NOT rather than building our notions of ourselves through the positive characteristics which we (believe we) have. The first, negative paradigm is practically easier and therefore much more common causes more problems since it builds its exclusivity on the deep cut between Us and Them. The second, positive paradigm seems to be much more productive since it enables others to become members of our community as soon as they adopt the common characteristics which define us and therefore radically reduces conflicts stemming from Us vs. Them divide. The main conceptual purposes of our project are therefore 1) to shed light to the predominant ways of defining our collective identities and 2) to try to promote (by using artistic means) the shift from the first, exclusive paradigm to second, more inclusive one.

Producer: EN-KNAP Production | Coproducers: Consense GmbH Berlin / Croatian Cultural Center, Rijeka | Choreographer, Artistic director of EN-KNAP Production: Iztok Kovač | Composer: Catherine Milliken | Musician: Michael Schiefel | Proffesor / Researcher: Aleš Črnič | Choreographer / voice: Irena Tomazin Zagoričnik | Film director / Video editor: Sašo Podgoršek |  Dancer EN-KNAP Group: Luke Thomas Dunne, Tamás Tuza, Giorgia Belotti, Rada Kovačević, Radoslav Piovarči, Katja Kolarič

This project is part of round 7 of the International Coproduction Fund, year 2019.